Google Chrome version 34.0.1847.131 suffers from a dll hijacking vulnerability.
# google chrom latest Version 34.0.1847.131 m 32-bit DLL Order Hijacking
# Exploit Title: [google chrom Version 34.0.1847.131 m 32-bit DLL Order
Hijacking ]
# Date: [2014/04/25]
# Exploit Author: [Aryan Bayaninejad]
# Linkedin :
# Vendor Homepage: []
# Software Link: []
# Version: [Version 34.0.1847.116 32-bit ]
# Tested on: [Windows 7 Ultimate - 32bit]
Untrusted search path vulnerability in chrom latest version [34.0.1847.131]
when running on Windows 7 32bit ,allows local users and possibly remote
attackers to gain privileges via a Trojan horse DLL in the current working
directory by sxs.dll
it's a DLL Order Hijacking that let me to execute arbitrary code beside
google chrome latest version of Chrome suffers from Load Order Hijacking of
"Sxs.dll" library, I attached a proof of concept code that will runs
besides your google chrome if you put it beside chrome.exe & it works like
a charm & will execute calc .
Compile Above Source Code With Delphi And Rename Compiled DLL To sxs.dll
Then Copy It To The chrom Installed Path, Now If You Run The chrom now DLL
Will Hijacked!